Traditional Service

Mar 31, 2024    Kenny Baskins

Key Thought: Jesus is Alive! His Tomb is EMPTY! When we invite Jesus to live in us,

His Resurrection power changes every part of a believer’s life! The beauty of Easter is that

the same power that raised Jesus from the dead is available to us to defeat sin and to live

lives that honor God!

1. Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross and the miracle of the empty tomb offer us divine

power that can change our lives from the inside out!

2. God is present with us today because the tomb was and is empty!

3. Jesus Is Not Dead! Jesus Is RISEN!

4. “New Birth” is offered to us by the power of Jesus’ Resurrection!

5. God changes our past, our present, and our future by the life, death, and Resurrection of

Christ Jesus!

6. I invite you to confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that

God raised Him from the dead!