The Cherub Choir (in light blue robes) is for ages 4 through kindergarten. It meets each Wednesday evening from 5:00 to 5:30 in the choir room. The children work on appropriate anthems as well as two special programs are done with the Wesley Choir each year. One program is presented at Christmas and the other is in the Spring. In addition to two major programs, the Cherub Choir sings once monthly at one of the two regular worship services. The emphasis for this young age group is on participation rather than performance

The Chancel Choir is for adults of all ages. It meets for practice each Wednesday night from 7 to 8 p.m. in the choir room. The Chancel Choir is responsible for the music in the 11:00 traditional service each week. The Chancel Choir also presents two major works each year. One presentation is done at Christmas and the other is done during Lent. Other special anthem presentations are offered at Easter and on certain Sundays during the year.

Our church is very fortunate to have many talented individuals who are members of several different bands that play for First Light Services. These bands meet on an as-needed basis to practice and prepare for the upcoming services. Bands typically play for one or two weeks at a time, alternating with other bands, performing the opening music, offertory or anthem, and closing music. If you are interested in sharing your musical talent in a band in First Light, please contact the church office at 256-232-2020.

The Wesley Choir is for children in the 1st through the 5th grades. It meets each Wednesday evening from 5:30 to 6:15 in the choir room. These children also work on anthems and two special programs presented each year along with the Cherub Choir. One program is presented at Christmas and the other program is presented in the Spring. In addition to these special programs, the Wesley choir sings once monthly at one of the two regular worship services.

The Handbell Choir is returning soon! If you are interested, please contact the church office or our music ministry team. The Handbell Choir usually performs in the 11:00 traditional worship service once monthly. In December, there are typically two performances.

The video footage that you will see or the well-balanced sound
that you will hear in First Light doesn't just happen by chance. Behind every good band, you will find a dedicated crew of persons to operate the soundboard and electronic equipment to provide lighting, audio, and video effects. If you wish to join the crew that optimizes the service from the back row, please contact our church office at 256-232-2020.
that you will hear in First Light doesn't just happen by chance. Behind every good band, you will find a dedicated crew of persons to operate the soundboard and electronic equipment to provide lighting, audio, and video effects. If you wish to join the crew that optimizes the service from the back row, please contact our church office at 256-232-2020.